Archive for May 2, 2011

Crochet toast!

Yes, I made some toast, from yarn…

I found this pattern on the web and couldn’t resist it. I tweaked it a bit.

For a start, I wanted my toast to look more, well, toasty. Now I prefer my toast very lightly done, but I thought it would look fun to make a better done slice, so I mixed two colours:

Toasty 🙂

My next tweak was to make the bread less regular. I narrowed the top just below the crust and made the crust a bit lumpy.

The first slice of toast, with dripping butter.

Next (partly because I was running badly out of dark brown) I decided it would be fun to make the other slice burnt 🙂

Half way through the burnt slice.

Finally I crocheted the edges together to make a little bag.

The front of the bag. Yummy looking toast.

But flip it over…

And it's burnt on the back! No thanks... think I'll make it into a bag instead...

I just need to make a strap and then it’s all done. Life size toast bag.

Ideal for carrying choccy bars. Well, I need a backup plan, I burnt the toast 😉

In other news, I did make it to the Viking event at Tutbury castle and my back has survived 😀 in fact less painful than yesterday, despite the chilly wind. And my being fooled by the sunny sunshine into wearing my thin summer kirtle of linen rather than my warm winter woolly one. I had to borrow a cloak.

But I enjoyed being there nonetheless, not least because it’s the first place I used to re-enact, twenty years ago, when I was a knight in full plate armour… ah, memories 🙂 I’ll get round to posting a pic one day…

And the wind slackened off a bit, and the sun was warm out of the wind and it was nice to see old friends 🙂

I have no photos though, being in kit and the Vikings not having invented cameras yet. Maybe I can beg one off my Mum…

May 2, 2011 at 11:02 PM 1 comment

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